June29, 2011
In the past, we’ve talked about the emerging trend of web fonts. In particular, “our posts during SXSW 2010”:https://www.armadillostudios.ca/sxsw10-the-big-trend-is-web-typography/ were glowing with the potential of this new trend. But oddly enough, up until our last couple of projects, Armadillo Studios has made a concerned effort to take this latest trend with a side of caution.
Well let us explain.
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June18, 2011
One of the founding principals of Armadillo Studios is to embrace, participate and encourage a sense of community.
If you’ve been following us for anytime you will have noticed how much we love to promote, retweet and encourage the growing Calgary tech community. It’s one of the main reasons, we started the “yycapps.com”:http://www.yycapps.com project last year and one of the main impetuses for participating with “democamps”:http://democampcalgary.com/, meet-ups and other “local ventures”:http://www.yycphotobook.com.

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