The Big Switch From Written Manuals To Video Tutorials
September30, 2011
*Armadillo Studios* has always prided ourselves in creating great personal relationships with all our clients. Our philosophy is to view our clients not as customer, but as members of a big warm happy family. One of the techniques we have used to build that type of relationship is to provide a fantastic suite of personalized support with all our products. One of our key elements has been the creation of customized manuals to accompany all our web sites.
When we first started creating these manuals, things were a bit simpler. WordPress was a very standard tool and our client pool was much more manageable. But as our sites have became more complex and our client base has grown, it has become more difficult to provide comprehensive instruction manuals that cover all aspects of our clients products.
So like any good company we have chosen to grow and adapt. Since the beginning of September we’ve taken the bold step towards *developing customized video tutorials*.