November25, 2013
This past weekend, I had the pleasure of attending “The Progressive Conservative Association of Alberta’s 2013 AGM”: in Red Deer as a special services vendor. Throughout the weekend I had the chance to meet many great people and discuss with them the latest trends within the industry of political focused web design, social media strategies and also targeted e-mail marketing.
In addition, I was able to reveal Armadillo’s newly minted corporate branding and some customized print material for the event.
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November4, 2013

Some of Armadillo’s more astute followers may have noticed a wee bit of a change to the old “Facebook”:, “Twitter page”: and “Google+” over the past few weeks. In particular, you’ll notice a switch from the company’s older branding and logo elements towards something a bit more 2013.
So why the change?
Well… after almost seven years in the business and a stale web site that was built towards the end of 2010, it is about time for a bit of a massive update. So over the next few weeks there will be some big changes to the web site and corporate blog. In addition, there will be some alignment changes to the overall business model. In particular, Armadillo Studios will make a minor shift away from a broad sweeping suite of services and instead focusing solely on WordPress Web Site Development, Social Media Campaigns and E-mail Marketing development for Business, Political Campaigns and Non-profits.
It’s a very exciting time at Armadillo and I’m uber excited to roll out the new revamped web site. So if you see a few things changing over the next few weeks, don’t fret things are just changing for the better.