Armadillo Studios Inc.

The Weekend To End Breast Cancer ’08

On July 26th-27th, Armadillo Studios was proud to sponsor Caitlin Currie’s participation in the “2008 Weekend To End Cancer”: Caitlin has become an integral part in the growth of Armadillo Studios, so that it was nice to show our support of her passion and commitment.


In addition to supporting her fundraising efforts, we also put together a series of brochures and vector images for Caitlin and Krystal Readwin’s participation in the walk.

We congratulate Caitlin and Krystal on their walk and look forward to cheering them on in 2009.

Oh my! Free Armadillo WallPaper!

So it’s been a while since we had a little fun on the old Armadillo Corporate Blog. So we thought we’d whip up a little treat for our clients and regular readers.

That’s right we’ve created a our first official Armadillo Studios Inc. Wallpaper featuring our own little mascot Millo.

That’s right our first official wallpaper! And if things go right we’ll whip up a few more over the next few weeks.

So if you want our good friend Millo on your desktop just download him below.

Download: 1920 x 1200 version
Download: 1600 x 1200
Download Both in a Zip File

iPhone goes Enterprise

A couple of weeks ago we posted an article detailing the potential importance of the “Apple’s Iphone to our Canadian customers”: Well, with Mondays iPhone news at the “WorldWide Developers Conference”: it looks like the next release of the iPhone will have far more impact on your business then we thought.

In simple laymen terms, it looks like Apple is poised to take a bite out of Blackberry’s dominance on the Business Wireless Device market. With the release of iPhone 2.0 software, the iPhone will _now_ contain Enterprise software comparable to Blackberry offers. So what does that mean for your business?

Essentially, this news solidifies the iPhone’s future cultural importance and will open your business up to an entire group of _new users_ that will have a greater access to wireless Internet. In particular, it means that your *web site will need to be compatible with the iPhone’s internet browsers* or you will be missing out on a slew of vital customers.

And as one analyst has already pointed out – “we’re witnessing the birth of a third major platform, after Windows (PC) and OS X (Apple Computers)”: Officially Launched

So after a few months as a temporary splash page, “”: is now officially live.

As mentioned previously, is the new home of Concept 3 & Stefan Dalberg. This new site is designed to showcase the upcoming projects of Concept 3 (Commercials Production, Ice Boat Construction, & Upcoming Events) and the talents of Stefan Dalberg. It’s was built as a dynamic personal/corporate blog which incorporates embedded video clips of Concept 3’s commercial ice boating work and an easy to use picture gallery of their custom built iceboats.

Powered by the WordPress CMS, allows Stefan and the Concept 3 group to post news blurbs, add photos, and embed the latest video with ease. We’ve also added an RSS feed, a feature clip image and also a AJAX based Contact Us form.

We are proud to launch and include it in our growing family of web sites.

Lion’s Eye Catering & Speedspecialists

February has been a very exciting month for Armadillo Studios and we apologize for the lack of articles and updates.

In addition, to securing new projects and preparing for the “2008 SXSW Interactive Conference”:, we are very proud to add two new web sites to our growing portfolio of work. Please welcome “”: and “”: to the Armadillo Network.

*Lion’s Eye Catering* is one of Calgary’s most popular catering services. At the request of owner Miss Monica, we developed a crisp new web site, which invoked the passionate cuisine of the company.

This new redesign incorporates the informative elements of the original site with a simple navigation system and a bright new design. In addition, it also includes menus for download, a versatile content management system, plus a personal and engaging layout. We look forward to working with Lion’s Eye Catering to help their business grow over the future months.

In addition, we would also like to welcome Concept 3 Inc. and “”: to the Armadillo Network.

** is a new temporary web site, which in the future will showcase specialized sports including Sailing, Iceboating, and everything in between. Utilizing a web log and viral videos; Concept 3 aims to utilize as resource for sailing and iceboating enthusiasts all over Western Canada.