One of the founding principals of Armadillo Studios is to embrace, participate and encourage a sense of community.
If you’ve been following us for anytime you will have noticed how much we love to promote, retweet and encourage the growing Calgary tech community. It’s one of the main reasons, we started the “”: project last year and one of the main impetuses for participating with “democamps”:, meet-ups and other “local ventures”:
Earlier this month we had the pleasure of announcing the redesign of “Mike’s Bloggity Blog”: It was an important time for Mike, in addition to the new redesign he was also sponsoring the opening night of the “Calgary Underground Film Festival”:
So in conjunction with the redesign, Armadillo Studios, also crafted up a special advert for Mike’s Bloggity Blog in the festival program. Which of course gave us the perfect opportunity to jump on the *QR Code Bandwaggon*.
It’s been quite the week here at Armadillo Studios, as our beloved pet project – “”: received an incredible amount of local exposure over the past 7 days.
It all started about a week ago with a six minute interview on CBC Calgary’s the Homestrech with David Grey. We had a great conversation on the blossoming community in Calgary and I was able to feature some great local apps. (“click here to hear the full interview”:
Next, yycapps had a feature segment on last night’s edition of GlobalTV’s 6:00pm news. In which, we briefly talked with Tony Tighe about the project and also showcased our friends from TapForms and also Broken Kings. (See the segment below and fast forward to the 23:55 mark)
It’s been an exciting week for the yycapps project and we look forward to seeing how the project continues to grow.
First of all we just want to say _thank you_ to everyone who voted for our blogs in the first round of the “Canadian Blog Awards”: We are pleased to announce that all three of our web sites made it to the final round of voting. So a big round of applause is due to all three.
But, that doesn’t mean our work is done. The final round of the Canadian Blog Awards has just started and we again need some help from our friends.
Voting for the competition ends on *noon Oct 26* and you are now allowed to *vote for each blog more than once*. You just have to wait 24hrs to revote. So please if you do have a moment, please give some of our most beloved blogs a vote!
* Glutastic – “Best Food & Drink Blog”: and “Best Art, Crafts, Cooking and Other Creative Activities Blog 2010”:
* Mikes Bloggity Blog – “Best Overall Blog”: and “Best Pop Culture blog”:
* The Review Crew – “Best Science & Technology Blog”:
Who doesn’t love a web site makeover? Really, who doesn’t.
So with that, we’re happy to announce the much needed makeover of our beloved pet project – “yycApps”:
The ** project started a little over 6 months ago, and since that cold winter evening has grown into a powerful resource for Calgary iPhone/iPad app developers. In conjunction, with the “moreapps”: project, draws in about 2,000 viewers a month and is slowly becoming a reliable source for people curious about the growing iPhone development community in Calgary.
As you can see from the old design, pictured above, the site needed a dramatic redesign. The grungy texture and dark colour palette was a great design at the time, but it didn’t encourage a sense of community or professionalism. So with this new design we hope to help grow the community and the site even more.
So please, have a look at the new yycapps. We’d love to hear your comments and suggestions to make the site that much better.